“I, doctor Nicolas Brahy, representing Hydrogen Europe, will support the developing of the Solenco Powerbox, since it can be seen as a disruptive technology for bringing more renewable energy in the European Energy mix and paving the way for introducing hydrogen technology in our daily live.”
“After visiting Solenco Power NV and eye witnessing the performances of the Solenco Powerbox, we estimate that this technology has significant market applications in seasonal energy storage for residential applications and a substantial impact on lower pollution and better health.”
~ Nicolas Brahy, Former Director of Hydrogen Europe ~

Islander - Borkum island
By 2030 Borkum, an island in the North Sea on the German North-West coast, aims to become fully decarbonised. As part of the EU-funded Islander project Solenco Power will deploy a 25 kW Solenco Energy Box.
The Solenco Energy Box stores renewable energy when the demand is low and then supply the energy during peak consumption periods. This allows to increase the penetration of renewables and the self-consumption on Borkum Island. Counting with 12h running time, the system would produce up to 6kg of hydrogen a day.
Cordeel - Temse
Solenco Power is deploying a 30kW electrolyzer at the head office of Cordeel in Temse. They have a hydrogen refuelling station and want to create their own green hydrogen instead of getting it delivered.
The green hydrogen is produced by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen through electrolysis by using surplus of green energy from solar or wind power. During this process no carbon is emitted so it allows for an ecological and reliable source of energy storage.
Port of Antwerp-Bruges
The Port of Antwerp-Bruges, ranking as the second-largest port in Europe, stands as a notable achievement among Solenco’s accomplished projects. One of our successes includes the application of a 30kW electrolyzer.
The installation will be used for heating a painter’s hall by converting electrical renewable energy from solar panels or energy from smart grid, into green hydrogen which can be converted back into heat. The system produces 10kg of hydrogen a day which is stored in high pressure bundles at 300 bar.
Schipper Bosch
Together with Schipper Bosch, a Dutch project developer, we have deployed a Solenco Powerbox installation in the Netherlands.
Solenco’s 5 kW Powerbox is instrumental in providing electricity and thermal enegry for floor heating to eight residential units. The system is intelligently controlled by an AI-system developed by the College of Arnhem and Nijmegen (HAN).
IZEN is a specialist in Solar PV installations from small residential kW scale up to industrial MW scale. They installed a Powerbox in their head office in Lille to balance excess Solar PV energy. In the weekends or on very sunny weekdays, there is often too much production of Solar PV and the installation is limited in terms of allowed injection into the grid. Now with the Powerbox, the energy is stored and converted back on weekdays to useful power the office building. As a next step, IZEN will install electric charging points for cars. Also, here the Powerbox will support providing the necessary power and energy at the right moments in time.
The Powerbox is also connected to the heating system of the building (a water-water heat pump) via the hot water buffer tank. Recuperated heat from the Powerbox is used to support the heating of the building.
Horizon 2020
The aim of the EU-funded Powerbox project is to commercialise the innovative energy storage solution developed by Solenco Power NV.
Solenco Powerbox allows homes and small businesses to cheaply store their own generated energy, for hours or whole seasons. The system combines an electrolyser and a fuel cell in one unit which transform electricity into hydrogen, store it indefinitely and then convert hydrogen back into electricity and heat with minimal losses.
Horizon 2020 - NETfficient
The NETfficient project deployed and demonstrated local energy storage technologies. It developed information and communication tools to exploit the synergies between renewable energy sources, energy storage, the smart gird, and the citizens. The scope of this real environment project included five use cases, covering low voltage and medium voltage scenarios and a wide range of applications and functionalities. Solenco’s contribution – spin-off of Vandenborre Energy Systems NV – included two low voltage installations where hydrogen technology was used as energy storage. Combination of electrolysis and fuel cell processes were demonstrated as well as two different technologies for hydrogen storage.
The NETfficient consortium brought together 13 companies from 7 different European countries:
3 Industrial partners (large industrial companies);
3 SMEs;
4 Research partners;
1 Academic partners;
1 Public Administration as an end-user;
1 Communal energy provider as an end-user
Giacomini - Grid connected
Giacomini is an Italian specialist in heating equipment for buildings. They have a very long history and experience. This family-owned company pioneered with hydrogen-based heating solutions (catalytic boiler) back in the early 2000’s. Today, the vision of Giacomini is to develop their product range for heating homes and buildings towards the use of hydrogen as a clean energy.
The Powerbox is installed in the head office of Giacomini Benelux in Bierges, Belgium. The Powerbox is connected to the local heating system (via a hot water buffer tank).
Innovathuis - Wonen op Flakkee
Together with Hylife innovations, Solenco installed the first hydrogen powered house in The Netherlands. The house, located in a residential neighbourhood in Stad aan ‘t Haringvliet, was the result of a strong cooperation between many parties to realise what is called “the first Dutch hydrogen home”.
The aim of this project was to demonstrate and test the use of hydrogen in a residential environment. The Powerbox was installed with a hydrogen tank of 1200L in the garden. The necessary permits, certifications and safety measures were investigated and obtained for this project.